Every day is a day of progress for the Nairobi Expressway. This mega project is the first of its scale to be undertaken under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) financing model. Located in Machakos and Nairobi, the Nairobi Expressway connects JKIA and Nairobi city centre.

Civil works for the Nairobi Expressway are being undertaken in two sections with relocation of water facilities being the third section of works:
Temporary Facilities Establishment
A). Section 1: Mlolongo – Southern Bypass
Construction of the campsite, laboratory and concrete batching plant have been completed and the quarry has started production

B). Section 2: Southern Bypass – James Gichuru road
Construction of main campsite, laboratory and concrete batching plant have been completed and the quarry has started production.

C). Section 3 (Water Facilities Relocation)
The Campsite has been established near Kenya Railways Corporation at K19+400 and is now functional.
Section 1 Construction Progress
· Black Cotton Replacement and subgrade filling are being conducted at K7+200-K10+000 and K15+500-K15+710.
· Weekly amount of black cotton replaced accounts for 1.78% of total amount to be replaced. 19.48% of total black cotton has been replaced since inception.
· Weekly amount of filling completed accounts for 1.1% of total filling. 9.99% of total filling is completed cumulatively since inception.
· K8+856 Pipe Culvert is completed.
· K8+520 Frame Culvert: foundation reinforcements works completed.
· K8+103 Pipe Culvert: Cushion layer concreting is completed.
· JKIA Interchange CK0+314 Pipe Culvert: foundation excavation started.
· Eastern Bypass Interchange CK0+165 Pipe Culvert: foundation excavation started.
· K7+597 Main Line Bridge: Abutment No.0 Spread Foundation Excavation and concrete cushion completed.

Section 2 Construction Progress
· ML01 Bridge: 0# abutment: Spread Foundation Cushion concrete completed; 2# Spread Foundation excavation and cushion concrete started; Pier No.11 2# column concreting.
· ML05 Bridge: Pile 25-1 and Pile 26-1 Concreting completed; Pile 27-1 drilling ongoing.
· ML09 Bridge: A1-6# Pile concrete completed.
· 3 spread foundations, 6 piles and 2 pier columns have been completed so far.
· Existing road diversion is being carried out at K24+000-K24+600.
Water Facilities Relocation Progress
· K15+700-K16+200 water feed pipe completed.
· 72m of water feeding pipeline has been laid on the right hand side of K13+300-K14+400, This comes to 744m cumulatively;
· 228m of water feeding pipeline has been laid on the left hand side of K12+800-K13+000, 312m cumulatively;
· 168m of water feeding pipeline has been laid this week the left hand side of K15+400-K16+700. This comes to 372m cumulatively;
· 288m of water feeding pipeline has been laid this week on RHS of K15+200-K15+700, 2612m
· cumulatively.
· 2.1m is excavated for micro-tunnel at K15+230, 2.1m completed cumulatively;
· 0.8m is excavated for micro-tunnel at K16+545, 0.8m completed cumulatively