A section of the Nairobi Expressway will be elevated. The Nairobi Expressway is ushering in a new dawn of infrastructural development in Kenya.

Obtaining right of way is a major challenge in the world of infrastructure development. Purchasing private land or demolishing existing structures can be disruptive to the environment and the projected construction period. The effects of delays are not only suffered by the contractor but by the taxpayers and members of the public living and working around the project.
A section of road measuring 11.2Km will be elevated along the Nairobi Expressway. The elevation will start near Capital Center through Uhuru Highway up to the James Gichuru junction.
The future of structural development in Kenya relies heavily on the projects we set our sight on. With the fast growing populations in our urban centers, studies have shown that grassland and cropland areas are giving way to more settlements and as such there is need to adopt better ways of dealing upcoming settlement trends.
This elevated section will usher in a new approach in Kenya to obtaining right of way for infrastructure development. The new era of infrastructural development in urban areas will shift to innovative approaches of using the space available. Kenya has taken its first step in exploiting the possibilities in new approaches.